What We Believe is Usually What We are Taught… BUT!!

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

This is for the many who have been abused and have believed the lies that have been spoken against them and even the acts and attitudes against them. We are so much more than the negative attacks against us. We have to believe God’s promises to walk into the future that He has planned for us. Trust Him with your life… He created each of us for a purpose.

What we believe…
is usually what we are taught.
But unfortunately for the broken…
there’s many lies that are bought.
For we are told we are “nothing”
or told that we are “crazy”…
so for victims of abuse…
their identity becomes hazy.

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About madisonelizabethbaylis

Father of Kevin, Jenvey and Maddie. Being alienated from Maddie due to the fact that after her mother divorced me and remarried she cut me out of my daughter´s life. I then rekindled my relationship with the mother of my boys and since then Melissa is hell bend on allienating and abusing Maddie
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