Resting in His Presence

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel


The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14

Sometimes God just wants us to rest in His presence and listen in silence… no loud worship, no one around, just you and Him in His presence. He will give us the rest that we need and the strength to continue on the journey that He has planned for each of us. Today is one of those days…

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About madisonelizabethbaylis

Father of Kevin, Jenvey and Maddie. Being alienated from Maddie due to the fact that after her mother divorced me and remarried she cut me out of my daughter´s life. I then rekindled my relationship with the mother of my boys and since then Melissa is hell bend on allienating and abusing Maddie
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